The Dog Ear infection is among the common diseases that can attack your dog. The dog’s ear is exposed frequently of this disease . that can cause changes in the behavior of your dog. All breeds of dog’s can be infected, but Some breeds such as Cocker Spaniel and Miniature Poodles are most likely the infection. Â these disease can worsen in the absence of regular maintenance for the dog
The components atrial :
- PinnaÂ
- Vertical Canal
- Horizontal Canal
- Tympanic MembraneÂ
- Middle Ear cavity
- tympanic bulla
- auditory tube
- cochlea
- auditory assicles
- temporaly muscle
 Infection Symptoms
The infected ear in dog’s is very painful, you’ll notice that your dog disobeys orders and agitated, Some breeds  do not like to touch their ears. Every dog ââhas his own way of expressing pain.
The Principal  Symptoms
- Swelling and redness in the inner ear flap or canal
– Scratching and rubbing
– Read Shaking or Head Tilt
– Abnormal odor from the ear
– Hair loss around the ear
– Unusual eye movements
– Hearing loss
– Crusted or scabby skin on the  flap
– Wiping the ear area on the floor or furniture
– loss of balance
– Walking in circles
– The blach or yellow discharge from the ears, somtimes contains blood
– Abnormal movements to soothe sore ear
When you see any of these symptoms, you should see a veterinarian to take a sample of the infected dog’s  ear, for analysis and know what the causative organism in this affection
The most  infections are caused by bacteria and yeast, the moisture caused by swimming, frequent bathing and incorrect cleaning methods fosters the growth of microorganisms in
the ear canal.
The pet are especially susceptible to infection atrial, because the release of water must take a vertical way, this is due to the form of the ear, the canal has a shape of “L” Which first descends vertically and forms a right angle.
there are  some breeds  are more susceptible to ear infected, such as cocker spaniel and miniature poodles because of their floppy ears. the Ear flap permanently covers the orifice of the canal, and aggravates the problems of maceration to facilitate the development of germs,there are also breeds that have a lot of hair in the canal, which will be a cause of maceration or trap dirt and earwax
Principal  causes
– Swiming
– incorrect cleaning
– Frrequent bathing
– climat change
– exposure to bacteria and parasites
– Use of contaminated food and water
– Mites
– Accumulation of earwax
We must protect your canine against disease, for it should not wait for symptoms of disease. must check the health of your dog at least one liver per week.
Verification :
– The ears should be perfectly smooth, checked if they are red or have a strange odor.
Cleaning :
The cleaning is very important to prevent your pet, it must accustom your pet to cleaning sessions, stroking it gently and try to clean the ear gently.
Do not get into cleaning deep into the ear canal, it is the job of the veterinarian.
– As it was said that the main causes of infections are moisture, try to dry your dog’s ears after each swiming
– If the ear has a lot of hair inside, he should be removed carefully with scissors and comb, to allow air to enter the ear.