
Dog Ear Infection Blog

If you own a dog, yeast infections are something you will probably have to contend with at some point. Yeast infections are very common and they can occur on the skin, in the intestines, and especially in the ears. As a responsible dog owner it is your job to keep your dog as healthy as possible so it is important to be able to spot the symptoms to know when there is a problem and then also to know what to do if there is an infection. Dog Ear Infection.org has the solution.

With the increasing use of antibiotics in treating dog ear infection has anyone wondered why we blindly use an antibiotic rather than an antifungal???

For your dog, ear infections can cause an extreme amount of pain and discomfort.  Unfortunately for your canine companion they do not have the ability to tap you on the shoulder and say “hey mommy or daddy, my ear hurts”.  It is up to us as responsible dog owners to make sure our pets remain in good health.

A great new dog ear infection blog post explaining this in details has just been posted here.

Anyone can copy this strategy. It will work. Don’t get me wrong, not every dogs the same, for some dogs this won’t work but I bet thats because of the wrong diagnosis or not following instructions to the letter. You may even have seen some of these methods, some are available online…

But…With all dog ear infection cases…

They all got it wrong. Each and every one has left out the simple secret that makes this work. This isn’t rocket science but if you don’t do this right, the whole thing crumbles. Include every factor and you will succeed. It’s simple, the methods are a fact. This is a unique breakthrough.

A lot of people are treating their dog ear infection at home as the cost of the vets is high now a days and rising.

It doesn’t help that one of the best cures can often be found in your kitchen, however there are pitfalls with any home treatments and today I’d like to show you why one heavily touted cure should be avoided and why another needs to be treated very carefully. Check out the blog post at dog ear infection


It’s raining, my dogs are miserable…no walkies today and no sitting in the garden.

What happenns when a dog ear infection that is yeast becomes a bacterial infection that isn’t treated properly.

I’ve just written a post on the dog ear infection blog about why antibiotics are not the answer to dog ear infections and why they should be avoided.

I’ve just posted part #2 of the “Anti Dog Ear Infection Food” series.

As Francis of Assisi said….

“Start by doing what’s necessary;
then do what’s possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

Treating a dog ear infection is simpler than you’ve been led to believe.

